Our CSR Policy

Ethics and responsibility at the very heart of our management and processes

Our CSR project was launched in 2008. We collectively defined the 5 values we have since then defended in our relationships with all our stakeholders: Respect – Team spirit – Commitment – Recognition – Responsibility.

This set of values and their concrete expression enabled us to become in January 2012 the first Accounting firm in France whose CSR management has been certified by LUCIE (based on ISO 26000), after an audit by VIGEO.

We are strongly committed:

  • With our main stakeholders (career programmes, CSR charter for suppliers, etc.)
  • To protect the environment (recycling policy, eco-friendly purchasing policy)
  • To favour civic initiatives (pro bono activities with charities, artistic sponsorship, etc.)


Throughout 2012, Michel Gire, co-founder of GMBA, co-wrote a guide on CSR with the French Academy of Accounting Sciences (ASTCF). Launched on September 25th, the guide provides an overview of the ISO 26000 standard and highlights the potential benefits companies can reap in terms of performance by applying ISO 26000 principles.

Thanks to our know-how on the matter, GMBA has also launched a service to offer clients a guidance on how to implement ISO 26000 principles.

Awards  and certifications


IFEC Social HR Awards – CSR category


CSR policy certified Lucie


91 d’Or CCIE Essone/MEDEF

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